Machines & Tools Verktyg & handredskap Häft- & fästverktyg HÄFTKLAMMER RAPID 13/8RFR 2500ST Häftklammer rostfritt stål. 13/8 2500 st.. Watch this product and we will notify you once it is back in stock. The product is now watched We will notify you once the product is back in stock again. E-mail Watch this product Your personal information is processed in accordance with our privacy policy. HÄFTKLAMMER RAPID 13/8RFR 2500ST Häftklammer rostfritt stål. 13/8 2500 st.. . Reviews Product review Based on 0 ratings. Click on a star to rate 1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars You Click on a star to rate Retrieve your Facebook profile. Be the first to leave a review. Related products Staple Gun, ALU913, Rapid Staple gun with Powercurve technology which means that it takes 65% less force to push it, It also matches the force in your hand. 006335202 590 kr / pc. Stock statusLev. normalt inom ca 2 till 5 vardagar Info Staple Gun, R33E, Ergonomic, Rapid Staple gun for fine wire staples. Long service life - can withstand more than 100,000 staples. 5 year warranty. 003620804 797 kr / pc. 1 029 kr / pc. Save 23 % Stock statusLev. normalt inom ca 2 till 5 vardagar Info Staple Gun, R83E, Combi Ergonomic, Rapid Used for attaching textiles, canvas, leather, nets, posters, labels, moldings, frames, etc. 3 year warranty. 003620805 603 kr / pc. 778 kr / pc. Save 22 % Stock statusLev. normalt inom ca 2 till 5 vardagar Info Populära produkter Takpanna Palema 2-kupig Candor Benders Bender Candor är en blank ytbehandling vilket ger många fördelar. Candor är mer slitstark och får tack vare detta en längre estetisk livslängd. 003983062 Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings. 12 kr / pc. Stock statusTo order Info Solid Pine Wood Flooring Modern Extra White, Baseco The floor makes the room feel brighter, more harmonious and more open. The white hard wax oil reflects the light very well BA32272 Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings. 544 kr / kvm Stock statusTillverkningsvara Lev ca 1-3 v Ej retur! Info City Stormix Mönster Grafit Benders City Stormix Mönster levereras med tre olika storlekar på en pall och ett unikt präglat mönster. Säljes endast i hel pall 9,6 kvm/pall. 007827417 423 kr / kvm Stock statusLev. normalt inom ca 3 till 7 vardagar Buy Auson Tjärvitriol 10 Liter En tjärblandning förstärkt med ett grått pigment som ger din träyta en modern grå kulör. Särskilda fraktvillkor för leverans till öar! 60590556 Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings. 2 515 kr / pc. 2 752 kr / pc. Save 9 % Stock statusLev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar Buy Green Free Professional 5L High Concentrate Jape For professional use. Effective agent against algae and lichen on all outdoor surfaces, e.g. roofs, facades, ground surfaces & fences. 700097429 Rating: 5 of Based on 1 ratings. 1 553 kr / pc. 1 726 kr / pc. Save 10 % Julkampanj Stock status25 pc. in stock Buy Sweden English SEK Construction Outdoor Plumbing Paint Machines & Tools Electrical Lighting Interior Kitchen & Bath Steel Kampanj Julkampanj News Brands Contact us About Velltra How do I shop? F. A. Q. Terms and conditions Policy & cookies Complaint & returns Warranties Reviews Log in Language Language Svenska English Dansk