Välkommen till vårt utbud av gräsfröprodukter, designade för att hjälpa dig att skapa en frodig och hälsosam gräsmatta. De bästa gräsfröna innehåller en mängd olika blandningar och blandningar, var och en noggrant utformad för att möta de unika behoven hos din gräsmatta. Oavsett om du vill reparera skadade områden, fylla i bara fläckar eller skapa en ny gräsmatta från grunden, har vi gräsfrö. Hur sent kan man så gräsfrö? Se vårt inlägg om gräsfrö. Börja din resa mot en frodig och hälsosam gräsmatta som kommer att göra dina grannar avundsjuka 🌲
Autumn Fertilizer Skånefrö PK 11-21, 10kg
Fertilizer without nitrogen that can be used both in autumn and spring. Strengthens the plants and makes them more stress-resistant before the winter.
355 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Butterfly And Hop Flowers Seed Mix 1kg
Increases the biodiversity of plants and insects Beneficial to bumblebees, bees and other insects. For dry and normally moist soil in a sunny location
3 969 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Fertilizer Allround NPK 11-5-18 10kg
Complete fertilizer that covers the nutritional needs of most plants in the garden. Also suitable for stimulating the establishment of new lawns.
389 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Fertilizer Superb G 17-3-10+5Fe 15kg
Plant nutrition for the lawn throughout the season. Contains 5% iron sulphate which dislodges the moss. Used 2-3 times per growing season.
525 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Football Arena Grass Seed US 100, 20 kg
This is a mixture of three different varieties of English ryegrass (Lolium perenne) that spreads through runners and can quickly transform old truths
2 457 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Tillverkningsvara Lev ca 4-10 vardagar
Football Field 100 Meadow Grass 20kg
A grass seed mixture that has the absolute highest wear properties. Used for all types of ball surfaces, for auxiliary seeding.
2 525 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Game Seed Game Master's Glade 20kg
A perennial mixture of low-growing grasses combined with blood and white clover.
1 813 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Game Seed Game Master's Hoofed Game 10kg
Perennial and durable mixture that, through its diversity, appeals to ungulates, small game and insects.
969 kr / pc.SLUT FÖR SÄSONGEN- Stock status
- Soldout for the season
Game Seed Game Master's Intensive 1kg
A one-year mixture that provides a good forage supply and high-growing protection.
346 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Game Seed The Game Master's Field Bird 5kg
A perennial mix that is sown in the spring. It provides good fodder availability and high-growing protection.
484 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Beställningsvara normalt 2-5 vardagar
Golf Course Grass Seed DCC 5kg Skånefrö
Grass seed mix containing only the top rated creeping varieties. DCC is specially developed for greens.
2 600 kr / frp- Stock status
- Beställningsvara normalt 3-7 vardagar
Golf Course Grass Seed Fairway 20kg
The grass seed mixture that provides dense and fine fairways that can withstand being cut low. Has low water and nutrient requirements.
1 809 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Golf Course Grass Seed Green 20kg
Is the grass seed mixture with the excellent properties such as good disease resistance, low water and low nutrient requirements.
2 559 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Golf Course Grass Seed Mix CLP 5kg
The grass seed mixture with creeping veins from the 2nd and 2nd generation. Cato, L93 and Penn G2. Suitable for greens.
1 828 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Golf Course Grass Seed Tee 253, 20kg
Grass seed mixture with strong, low-growing and dense varieties. It provides a quickly established and durable grass surface.
2 116 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Golf Course Grass Seed Tee 64, 20kg
Grass seed mixture that is durable and quick-establishing. Used for tee surfaces on the golf course as well as for auxiliary seeding and renovation.
2 082 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Golf Course Grass Seed Tee RER, 20kg
Fast-established and hard-wearing grass seed mixture with red fescue and new generation tetraploid ryegrass with spurs.
1 809 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Golf Course Grass Seeds Norrland 20kg
The grass seed mixture that has fast establishment, high wear tolerance, high shoot density, low height growth and good hardiness.
2 082 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Golf Course Seed Mix 100 Fescue, 20kg
Grass seed mixture that has high shoot density and low height growth. Suitable for the garden and green & fairway surfaces on the golf course.
1 706 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Golfplan Gräsfrö Norrland Tee 20 kg
Gräsfröblandningen som klarar tuffa klimatförändringar. Ger en mycket tät matt med hög slitagetolerans och läkningsförmåga.
2 184 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Grass Seed Mix Park 20kg
High shoot density and low height growth. Very good hardiness and good healing properties.
1 206 kr / pc.1 508 kr / pc.Save 20 %- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Grass Seed Mix Repro 20kg
Repro is the grass seed mixture used to quickly repair damaged patches in the lawn.
2 048 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Beställningsvara normalt 3-7 vardagar
Grass Seed Mix Road Slope 20kg
A grass seed mixture especially for extensive areas where the conditions are poor. Can also be used for playgrounds and campsites.
1 775 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Beställningsvara normalt 3-7 vardagar
Grass Seed Mixture Kungspark 20kg
The grass seed mixture that contains the absolute best grass seeds of the species red fescue, meadow fescue and red vetch.
2 184 kr / pc.- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 1 till 5 vardagar
Grass Seed Norrland 5kg Skånefrö
Norrland is for you who want a winter-hardy and hard-wearing lawn with fast establishment. Suitable for robotic lawnmowers.
436 kr / pc.544 kr / pc.Save 20 %- Stock status
- Lev. normalt inom ca 3 till 7 vardagar
När man är på jakt efter de bästa gräsfröna till sin gräsmatta så kan man använda sig av följande sökord: "köpa gräsfrö, gräsfrö bäst i test, gräsfrö biltema, hur sent kan man så gräsfrö, gräsfrö jula, gräsfrö, granngården, bästa gräsfrö, gräsfrö byggmax, gräsfrö skugga, weibulls gräsfrö, granngården gräsfrö". Velltra är en etablerad återförsäljare av gräsfrö & växter och lagerför ett stort sortiment. Bläddra gärna igenom vårt gräsfrösortiment och se om du hittar det du är ute efter!